Adopt a Pet

To adopt a pet please fill out the form below and I will send your pet to your email!

Adopt this beautiful snowy owl today!

Adopt this strong owl! (its great for sending heavy items!)

Adopt this gorgeous peacock today!

Adopt these adorable kittens today!

This homeless rat needs you!

(Ginny's Hogwarts is not responsible for any escaped pets, unregistered animagus or infectious diseases. If you have any questions please contact our lawyer, Ben Dover, wizard attourney at the Ministry of Magic (MOM). Call 1-800-MOM-2001).

no refunds, exchanges or returns please.

If you would like to adopt a pet please fill out the form below : 

Your Name/email address:

What pet  would you like to adopt, and why would you be a  good owner :

Send this to: